Platinum Skin Care &Medi Spa
48774 Gratiot Ave
Chesterfield, MI 48051
Appointments 586.598.6075

Platinum Skin Care was the creation of Jennifer Tilney - Spa owner and cosmeceuticals manufacturer. Jennifer felt that there were not enough highly active products available to aid those with problem skin - a personal dilemma of her own. She teamed up with a pharmaceutical chemist to create her own line of professional skin care. The entire Platinum Skin Care cosmeceutical line is created specifically with Jennifer's strict requirements intact, and specializes in problem skin areas. All of her products are pH and % certified. They contain proper amounts of highly active ingredients to give your skin the added boost it needs to be clear, smooth and healthy.

Platinum Medi Spa was born from Platinum Skin Care Cosmecetuticals. It was created for our dearest customers who craved a special place to be pampered and to have their skin cared for with our special brand of highly effective professional products.

Instead of just opening a normal day spa, we decided to mix our highly potent products with the expertise of a doctor, a nurse, 2 estheticians, 2 massage therapists and a nail technician. With this marriage of cosmeceuticals and medical technology, Platinum Medi Spa can offer the most effective in-house treatments with the best take-home products.

As we continue to constantly grow, you will see new services, treatments and experts in the spa and medical fields come into play. We continuously strive to offer the most holistic services to our clients, and will continue to do so to keep our spa a step above the rest.

IPL hair reduction has become the gold standard in ridding the body of unwanted hair. Our estheticians will assess your needs and proceed with the best program for you. Here at Platinum, we do not make you purchase large packages in order to proceed with the hair reduction program. Instead, we offer each treatment as a reduced "package" price. You will continue along with as many appointments as you desire or need - without being stuck!

Treatment F.A.Q.'s

Purpose- A safe, quick, effective treatment to rid you of unwanted hair on nearly any part of the face and body.

How it works- This process works by emitting pulses of laser energy into the hair follicles. The pigment in the follicles absorbs this energy, which causes them to become disabled. Once disabled, the follicles can no longer produce hair.

How it feels- As the laser is glided over the skin, a prickly sensation is felt each time a hair follicle is destroyed.

How long it takes- An area of unwanted facial hair can take as little as 5 minutes to treat, while a man’s back or a woman’s leg may take over an hour to complete.

How many visits are required- The number of treatments required varies, depending on the color of your hair and skin. Approximately 5 treatments are generally required for most people, spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

What to expect after a treatment- Immediately after the treatment the skin will look pink and slightly swollen, similar to a sunburn. This will subside within an hour or two and the skin will return to normal. Occasionally, a patient will have temporary pigment changes, blistering, or scabbing.

Precautions before a treatment- It is best to discontinue tanning at least 3-4 weeks before treatments. Photosensitive medications should be avoided if possible; if not, a test patch will be done to ensure there will be no side effects.

Post care after a treatment- Most normal activities can be resumed right away. Although exercise, swimming, shaving and make-up should be avoided immediately after treatments to prevent any irritation. An SPF of 30 or higher should be worn during sun exposure to the treated area. And in rare cases if a blister occurs, normal first aid should be applied.

Results- Once the follicle is destroyed it will purge the hair that remained under the skin and they will fall out within 7-14 days. Most people notice at least a 20% reduction after each treatment.

How does laser hair removal compare to other options- Temporary hair removal procedures such as shaving, waxing, tweezing and chemical depilatories may be convenient, but leave your skin irritated/burned and only last for days to weeks. Compared to Electrolysis, hair removal is much faster with a laser because the laser is pulsed about once per second across the surface of the skin. Each “pulse” of laser light disables a large number of hair follicles. Electrolysis operators can only treat those hairs that they can see. A laser treats any “active” follicle, even if the hair has not yet reached the surface of the skin, or if the hair shaft is not straight.

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