Center for Cosmetic Dermatology
Center for Cosmetic Dermatology
800 S Adams Rd.,
Birmingham, MI 48009-7005
1 - 866 - RENU - YOU

Our Mission

At the Center for Cosmetic Dermatology our goal is to provide state of the art cosmetic care based upon medical principles and standards. Dr. Shek's Board Certification in Internal Medicine as well as Dermatology, and the combined forty plus years of nursing experience of Nicole McBain and Consuelo Ordo allows us to provide our patients with the highest level of cosmetic care.

Laser Hair Removal

When dark coarser hair appears in places we don't like or expect - like on the face, neck, abdomen, breasts, or arms - or prevents us form wearing a high-cut bathing suit, shorts, or even a short skirt, it may be time to consider hair removal with the LightSheer Diode Laser.

Men are used to shaving or trimming their beard and mustache as regular grooming tasks. But what you may not like is that bothersome excess hair on your back or shoulders, around the ears, or between the eyebrows that seems to grow back faster than you can pluck or shave .

Now may be the time to consider hair removal with LightSheer Diode Laser.

Hair Removal Process

The hair removal process will require more than one treatment. The reason for multiple sessions is due to the cycle of hair growth. Your hair grows in three stages, the first and second stage are beneath the skin. In the third stage of growth, the hair emerges through the surface of the skin. This is when the laser damages the root of the hair. This is why you may require anywhere from six to ten treatments, depending on your skintone and the color of your hair. An ideal candidate is a person with very light skin and very dark hair. It is important to pick a center which has knowledge about the skin and how it reacts to the laser. The Center for Cosmetic Dermatology is the center with a board certified Dermatologist and Internist along with a nursing staff with extensive knowledge of hair removal and skin care.

Laser hair removal is a wonderful innovation to reduce unwanted hair permanently. In order for a treatment to be successful you must have some color to your hair. The laser is attracted to the pigment in the hair and follows the path of the hair shaft to permanently damage the follicle. If you have blonde, white or gray hair the laser will not work for you. Electrolysis is a viable alternative method for hair removal.

Possible Side Effects

You may experience redness in the treated area for 24 hours. You may also have some singed hairs or black dots in the area that was treated. These hairs will fall out in 12 to 72 hours.



The laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light. Different types of lasers produce different colors of light. The color of light produced by a particular laser is the key to its effect on hair follicles. The light emitted by the LightSheer Diode Laser is absorbed by the pigment located in the hair follicles. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second, disabling several follicles at a time to eliminate the regrowth of hair.

The appearance of the treated area after a laser session will very depending on the extent of the treatment. Immediate after effects are minor. They may include redness and swelling, which will disappear in a short time. Most people return to normal activities right away. We will be happy to tell you more about the treatment and what to expect during a FREE consultation.

The length of a laser sessiion may be a few minutes to an hour or even more. It depends on the size of the area being treated. Because the laser treats hair follicles in the active growth phase, several treatments will be required to disable the hair follicles that enter this growth phase.

The laser treatment can cause a slight tingling sensation. Most patients tolerate the procedure well. Some areas of the body are more sensitive than others, therefore a topical numbing cream is available.

Copyright © 2006 Laser Hair Removal and Aesthetics
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