Ageless Spa Medica
Ageless Spa Medica
33101 23 Mile Road
Chesterfield Twp., MI 48047
(586) 330 8010
(800) 878 1954

Ageless Spa Medica is a new state-of-the-art cosmetic enhancement facility dedicated to improving the lives of men and women.

Radio Frequency Fat and Cellulite Reduction
We are pleased to announce the addition of this latest technology which reduces cellulite and fat and tightens skin. We are the only spa in Southeastern Michigan
offering this break-through treatment! Please view our before and after pictures.

Free Skin Analysis
We are proud to announce that we now offer the VISIA skin analysis. This amazing equipment will take a picture of your skin and actually print out an analysis. Book your free consultation to find out what Dr. Shah can do for you!

Erase up to 10 years in one hour!
Using the most advanced equipment, including Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Advanced Flourescent Technology (AFT), we can help you achieve astounding results. These state-of-the-art technologies are capable of hair removal, skin clearing, skin smoothing and skin tightening. To complement these capabilities, Ageless Spa Medica offers a full menu of services to help you achieve the look and confidence you desire.

Laser Hair Removal

We provide the most advanced technology in laser hair removal. With three lasers to choose from, we can treat all skin types. Prices vary according to area and amount of hair. We recommend that you set up a free consultation to receive your own price quotation. Typically takes six treatments to achieve maximum results.

Prices vary per individual.
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